The Story of the Farm
Colossians 3:23

Hi, I'm Jessica, owner of The BlackHorse Farm. We purchased our 40 acres of land in September 2013 and moved in during the middle of May 2015. The farm layout and buildings were designed and constructed by our internal crew.
I thought for quite a while about what to name the property. I wanted something meaningful. We owned Tennessee Walking horses (mostly black in color), so I thought about The Black Horse Farm, then, to make it a bit more unique, we tried The BlackHorse Farm.
While researching the ancestry and records for our property, we were told of a very interesting court case that shows a lengthy and public dispute between the previous land owner of our farm and other Rush residents dating back to the Civil War era. The published legal quarrel over a black mare that grazed the fields of our property long ago inspired us to move forward with the name, “The BlackHorse Farm.” How ironic (divine, we think) that the land has “black horse” history and we didn’t even know it.
If you look closely at our custom logo, we created a silhouette of a Tennessee Walking horse with a shield background, a Christian cross on the horse's hind leg area and a dachshund silhouette in the outline of the horse's neck (I've had miniature dachshunds for over 25 years now).
We are committed to bride, child, client (and horse) satisfaction. Not only is our farm our business; it's a home. I take great pride in this place and value my business reputation.
The opportunity to serve you is greatly appreciated.